Well done. In the spirit of this post, may we hope that Allah or any other God out there protect Douglas Murray, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Bret Weinstein, Dave Chappelle, Bill Maher, Richard Dawkins, Wole Soyinka, Jordan Peterson, Ben Shapiro, Naill Ferguson, Sam Harris, Thomas Sowell, Stephen Fry, Salman Rushdie, Elon Musk, The Pope, Homer Simpson.

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Great work documenting the current double standards! Twitter execs have mastered the art of the Marxist tactic laid out in Marcuse’s Repressive Tolerance.

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Well said, thank you 🙏

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Great piece. With the loss of the free speech ideal and the view that speech can be violence, you can define any speech you feel uncomfortable with as violence and pretty much censor anything. You say you’re not against a code, if not implemented by fools. But whoever has that power will inevitably bring their agenda, and most people are fools. That’s why free speech is the only safe way, I think.

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Brilliant piece, as usual. Bethel, you are an inspiration. Thank you.

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Thank you!

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I immediately was drawn to you in the Facebook group of Women Supporting Dr. P, subscribed to your Substack right away, and now wonder if your writing will ever be published in book form? You are brilliant. Yes, you are. I assume you aren't going to argue with me:)).

BTW, I wept throughout The Steed piece this morning. I'm a horsey girl, visited the Lippizan facility in Vienna years ago, omg, what an astonishing story of the Queen and that magnificent stallion. Again, thank you!

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Thank you Pam, that's kind. Wow, that's a blast from the past memory. :-) So glad you picked up my trail again, and especially glad you enjoyed my latest. As for a book, hmm, I'm not sure. I hope to publish some writing for a small historical project I've been very slowly working on, but that's subject-specific. We'll see! Thanks again so much for reading.

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