Apr 10, 2023Liked by Bethel McGrew

Pure gold.

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Mmm... girl... You can write.

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One more thing... Scripture never stops amazing me. I don't know why I never saw this before...

"We imagine she turns her face away, hiding them from the man she mistakes for the gardener."

She mistakes Him for the gardener, but...


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Hi - Andrew Sullivan linked to your Algebra article. I know it is for paid subscribers, but I bet they would be glad for you to make it public, in order to increase your visibility and likely your paid subscriptions. I always like for writers I support financially to have greater success, and an Andrew Sullivan link has got to be a huge exposure event for you. Best of luck - enjoyed this piece.

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Hi Bethel .. I press on the mike to get audio . For two days now, it say audio is processing try again in a few minutes .

It might be an oversight or something . Could you please check on it 😇

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“Joy...poignant as grief.”

Happy Easter, and thank you for this reminder.

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Hi Bethel, this is more exceptional insight and writing from you (as is so often the case on your Substack). Glad to be a subscriber, worth every penny.

I thought you might be interested in the following: Bishop Robert Barron has posted his Easter homily on his Word on Fire YouTube channel, and it is called "Let Christianity Be Weird!" I thought it might interest you on two counts:

1. Bishop Barron stole the homily's title from Tom Holland, who you have written about before several times in this space. (Apparently Bishop Barron and Mr. Holland shared a stage recently in England).

2. The homily has some overlap with the above article, in that Bishop Barron makes the point that these accounts are not written like fables (including using the same example of the folding of the burial garments).

Happy Easter!

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