Mar 23Liked by Bethel McGrew

You are inhabiting a space between the Christianity whose "royal law" is, "you shall love your neighbor as yourself," and a world where people have deep questions about their identity. Thanks for putting yourself out there and engaging in significant dialogue.

"Not only do we know God through Jesus Christ, we only know ourselves through Jesus Christ." Blaise Pascal.

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Mar 23Liked by Bethel McGrew

This documentary was too much for me when I first watched it, but I think I will try again. This monstrous enormity must be banned for adults as well as for children, which I do not think any republican governors are even contemplating at the moment. We do not talk about the adult victims enough. Mentally ill adults should not be left behind with a retort of Caveat Emptor but protected from the obliteration of their lives by a socially transmitted psychosis. There are now at least four victims among the graduate students in the mathematics department at my midwestern university. And I think it will get worse. There is too much money involved for this to go away without a very long struggle.

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Mar 23Liked by Bethel McGrew

Very moving, Bethel. Well done.

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I really appreciate your time and insights spent regarding this topic. I often find myself very sympathetic with the boys/men who have gone through such courses in their lives, and often the thought reverberates in the back of my head, "but for the grace of God go I." I remember comparing myself to the other kids in kindergarten and thinking my parents must've gotten something wrong because I sure seemed more like the girls than the boys. I remember being randomly bullied in third grade and called "gay" because I was an easy target. It upset me so much that I stopped riding the bus and walked three miles to school and home instead. I remember struggling with the feeling on not being "manly" as I thought society defined manliness up through my teenage years. ... And I think if I was born fifteen years later than I was, and I voiced some of these thoughts to the wrong person, maybe I'd have gone down this same destructive path! I pray for all of these men, that they can find contentment in who they are.

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